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The Spiritual Badass

May 26, 2022

Our soul’s history and Akashic Records our past lives hold incredible information for us to uncover and bring forth. ⁣

Who you are, what you are, what you can do, our ability to heal and move forward, and living our purpose are a few of the things our souls hold.⁣

So how can you understand and tap into your...

May 22, 2022

Do you struggle with experiences that don't make sense or feel too intense? Do you wish you could explain it to a friend without feeling like they would judge you or call you crazy? In this episode, we will talk about normalizing your  spiritual experience and connection

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual...

May 6, 2022

Learning to be present in your body, being safe in your body, understanding how you are perfect and that it’s safe to show up in your life, spiritual work, and business as you are. 

We discuss that the witch wounds run deep and it is becoming more known and understood. Learning to break the old paradigm, showing up as...